Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Interviews in Yangju

February 28th, 2011
I finally submitted a serious academic article for publication. Or I sent the email for it.

After that I headed to 양주 Yangju, which is north of Seoul and the home of 양주별산대 Yangju Byeolsandae. I'd been there only one time before, but I managed to walk from the subway station there, and it only took 18 minutes (amazingly the women in the info booth tried to tell me it would take me an hour, or at least thirty minutes).
Yangju Byeolsandae uses the traditional school behind this gate for some of their experiential education activities.

When I arrived to interview 김순옥 Kim Sunok, the head of the group and an isuja, she was busy with some unexpected guests. So I sat and talked with 고경민 Go Gyeongmin (and isuja who also works for Yangju Byeolsandae full time- and my 동갑!). He shared with the me the complete data for the number of participants and what they do besides the mask dance drama, which is really valuable information for my dissertation.
Go makes the masks, works in the office and is also licensed to drive the awesome team bus

Then I talked with Kim Sunok for an hour and 45 minutes of on-topic interview, it was amazing. She was open and very very coherent, she discussed political issues and the group in great detail. I am super excited. It was completely great.

I rushed out after the interview because I had to get to 봉산탈춤 Bongsan Talchum practice. Fortunately I had anticipated that I might not have time to get home, so I had what I needed with me, but due to stopping for an extremely late lunch of a roll of 김밥 kimbap and printing the afore-mentioned paper so I can send it in, I still was twenty minutes late for class (although they hadn't started dancing yet when I arrived).

Class was good, I can't remember anything special to report on.
Photos of Kim Eunju teaching:

After class 수미 Sumi (the beautiful student in the foreground) and I ate a bit in a restaurant before we went out separate ways. Actually 정현 Jeonghyeon came with us (he's not the guy in the photo) but he didn't want to eat anything. Maybe he doesn't believe in dinner at 9:30.

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