Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sharing Links

Sometimes other people just write really cool things:

My dad's business website currently starts off with this awesome essay that shows just how articulate and knowledgeable he is. Check it out! Yay dad!

There is this awesome website called Native Appropriations (link in the side bar). I was raised very close to Native American culture and the issues with appropriation of native culture are something I've been sensitive about and followed for years. The author is almost always really thought provoking. Her recent post is on Pendleton blankets. Check it out. You may find yourself following her blog later on.

I'm not a Girl's Generation (소녀시대) fan, but if you are, check out this essay and translation of the lyrics from The Grand Narrative. But it's for essays like this on Korean socialization and body image that I sometimes find time to read The Grand Narrative.

Not so much about reading:

This isn't really reading so much as viewing, but it's fall off your chair funny. Simon's Cat.

This is about listening-- some good remixes of K-pop created by Areia Remix. Another person who remixes K-pop in some interesting ways is Masa. I've been following Masa for awhile, I really love his video work.

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