I spent most of the day waiting. I started by waiting for a decent hour at which to go downstairs to my landlady and ask her help with setting up my internet service. That turned out to consist of only calling them and turning the phone over to me. After the call she served me coffee—not the best but definitely appreciated nonetheless. With a typhoon causing torrential rainfall (off and on throughout the day) several deliveries were delayed but eventually I got first the stove, then the gas man came and connected it and turned on my gas. I ran out for lunch, finally, and arrived home at the same time as my refrigerator and washing machine. The men are insane for carrying a refrigerator up stairs that are about 4 inches per riser with irregular steps… but they did it. At 4 the man arrived to set up my internet, I don’t understand exactly why but KT doesn’t have wireless routers, so if I didn’t already have one at home he couldn’t set up wireless, anyway, I have wired internet now. Each worker needed to be given water or Pocari Sweat, I felt bad it warmed up after awhile, but everyone was dripping with sweat when it wasn't rain and sweat. I felt sick all day but still met Tim for a final meal and bought a bunch more stuff at E-mart.
Photo: Actually I took this the day AFTER, but this shows the happy results of the presence of a washing machine... and the hallway outside my door (heading away from the stairwell down)

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